
The CC5T is Proud to Endorse Paris Popack for Lawrence Mayor!

This year, we have two very competent candidates running for the position of Mayor of Lawrence, but Paris Popack has earned our endorsement due to her many years of dedication to the village, whether ensuring safety and security, fighting over-development, revitalizing Zion Park and protecting and improving our quality of life. Her track record has been excellent in all endeavors, and her commitment to the village is beyond dispute. If you live in the village of Lawrence, please vote on June 18 at the Lawrence Village Country Club.

CC5T News.

Important Number 5 School Referendum

The CC5T urges all District 15 residents to go our and vote YES on the sale of the Number 5 School. We are very concerned that if the referendum fails, the properties will go to yet another developer, who will build high density apartment buildings. Please do your part and vote YES on February 16th, at the Lawrence High School, 2 Reilly Road, Cedarhurst. Voting hours are from 7 AM until 10 PM.

CC5T News.

Town of Hempstead Meeting Regarding Overdevelopment.

Please be advised that there is a Town of Hempstead Board meeting on September 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., at Hempstead Town Hall, 1 Washington Street, Hempstead, NY 11550.

The agenda is scheduled to include overdevelopment. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Lawrence Village Hearing on the sewage pump station: August 30th, 2022

For all concerned residents, now is the time to make your voices heard regarding the planned 13 homes for the former Lawrence Pump Station. The planning board will meet publicly on Aug. 31 at 7:30 p.m., in Village Hall.,143406

Make your voice heard at Lawrence Village Hall, 196 Central Ave, Lawrence, NY 11559 Tomorrow night at 7:30 PM.


Final meeting on the Pearsall Project.

Tomorrow night – Monday July 11th, 8 PM!

Cedarhurst Village Hall @ 200 Cedarhurst Ave. 

This will be your final opportunity to voice your opinion on the upcoming Pearsall Project.

If you oppose the expected increase in traffic on Rockaway Turnpike, this is your last chance to let the board know.

Please ask your friends and neighbors to attend this important meeting!


Gabriel Boxer for Sanitation Commissioner. Vote Monday – July 11th Polls Open 6 PM to 10 PM.


Pearsall Public Hearing 6/8/22

Please be advised that the Cedarhurst Board of Trustees will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 8th 7:30PM at the Lawrence High School (2 Reilly Rd, Cedarhurst) to consider the development of Pearsall Ave and the surrounding area. You are urged to attend and express your opinion.

CC5T News.

Number 5 School Sale Update.

The bidding process for the Number Five school has been completed. It has come to our attention that a local developer has submitted a bid on this property, which is currently the home to the Shulamith Elementary School. The bid submitted by the developer artificially inflated the value of the property, and it is contingent on a variance from the Town of Cedarhurst to develop a multi-unit high end residential building, which is currently prohibited under the zoning code.

We at the CC5T are adamantly opposed to overdevelopment of our community and the loss of any property that is used to educate children.

Loss of the Number 5 school to a developer whose primary goal is the building of high-end luxury apartments will only generate strain on the community in an area that is already highly congested.

We ask all members of the community to contact their local town or village representative to oppose this development. If this bid is accepted and goes before the community as a public referendum, we will work with the community to defeat it and preserve the quality of our neighborhood.

The CC5T will always support the needs of children over Luxury overdevelopment.

CC5T News.

The Number 5 School is for sale!

The CC5T is very concerned about this development and urges the community to speak out on how this critical asset handled. This sale will go up for referendum, and that will be our chance to really make a difference. Stay turned for more developments.

CC5T News.

More traffic or more taxes?